About Us

HIMACROW project addresses the highly demanding needs of the SMEs involved in manufacturing activities, related to the constant increase in the training requirement and the need to employ qualified staff with appropriate technical skills related to structural analysis of materials and its welded joints. The projects’ main goal is to improve the training capabilities of teachers and VET trainers, to support developing and implementation of a new theoretical and practical training course on metallographic examination. HIMACROW project partnership strive to increase their expertise in the project field to enlarge their training offer as providers for training of personnel. At the same time, for becoming more attractive considering the current digitization trend, new means of training must be developed, and the trainers need to get acquainted to them.

HIMACROW target groups are: specialists in welding and allied process, teachers in higher education and trainers of various levels, SMEs involved in manufacturing industry, stakeholders from related industrial sectors, ATBs (Authorised Training Bodies) from the participating countries and from the EWF's network; young trainees involved in I-VET, experienced trainees and professionals who already work in micro/macro examination of welded joints but either do not have the required qualification or need to upgrade their skills through C-VET.

HIMACROW project will have a long-term impact on target groups at national and European level, since the new course will be promoted through EWF network, and all approved training providers will be able to teach according to the same curricula, thus integration and recognition of the course at EU Level being assured.

Macro and Microscopic Metallographic Examination of Structural Materials

Latest News

HIMACROW | E4: European Conference

HIMACROW Final Conference organized by EWF will take place at the “Sustainable Futures: Green and Digital Skills Transition” workshop that will focus on the role of green and digital skills..

HIMACROW | Transnational Project Meeting #3

HIMACROW Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) was held in Bucharest, between the 4th and the 5th of July 2023. To kick start it, partners from WELDCONS (host organisation), amicably welcomed everyone..

Project Partners
